“Faith without works is dead.” ~ James 2:26
In the theology of the United Methodist Church is the idea that since we have been saved by the Grace of Jesus Christ, a natural response it to want to share our gifts and talents with others.
With that in mind, we have to following opportunities available for people to share their God-given gifts and talents:
AV Technician
There are several opportunities to serve in the AV department.
As an AV Technician, you can participate in three different ways.
- You can adjust the audio for worship.
- You can be involved in switching graphics for the different parts of worship.
- You can be involved in setting up and running the Live-Stream of worship to Facebook Live.
If you are interested in participating in worship this way, contact Patrick O’Connor for details and training.
Communion Server
Holy Communion is the center point of the worship experience. It is in Holy Communion that we receive a symbol of the Grace and Love of Jesus Christ.
Serving Holy Communion is a very reverent and spiritual experience.
To find out more about how you. can be part of this group, contact Peggy Stapp.
Flower Donations
Many people decide to donate flowers in memory or in honor of someone close to them.
These flowers are placed near the altar during worship.
If you are interested in participating in worship in this way, contact Rusty Nickols to make arrangements.
Put a simile on your face and welcome people into the building for worship.
You are the first contact that visitors and members will have with the people of Creekwood.
Contact Tonya Vining to find out how you can serve in this role.
Greet people as they come by for coffee, donuts, and conversation. Make sure there is coffee ready, prepare donuts, etc.
If you are interested in participating in worship in this way, contact Tonya Vining for details.
The role of an usher is to help people find their seat, welcome them into the Sanctuary, hand out bulletins and other information and to answer questions people might have.
To find out more about how you. can be part of this group, contact Pastor David Lessner.
Reach out to any staff member if you have questions about how you can get involved.