Seasonal Missions

Seasonal Missions are missions that Creekwood serves at various times of the year and on an “as needed” basis.  seasonal missions logo
ACO (All Community Outreach) helps our Collin County families prevent hunger and homelessness while working toward financial stability and a path forward.

Creekwood helps ACO by collecting holiday food and gift cards for turkeys and other perishable items.  We also participate in the North Pole Toy Drive providing the perfect gifts for many children to help make their Christmas a special one.  ACO changes lives.  

ACO - All Community Outreach Logo
Cornerstone Ranch is a group home and day program for adults with intellectual and physical disabilities.  The adults who make up this special needs community, or Ranchers, experience abundant life.  The Ranchers participate in our Open Door program and several Ranchers have served as acolytes in our contemporary worship service.   Cornerstone Ranch Logo
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief) responds to disasters across the country every day from flooding in Texas, and tornados in Tennessee, to the wildfires in Hawaii, UMCOR is there.  Creekwood supports UMCOR through donations and special offerings to provide financial support for disaster relief to local communities and beyond.  UMCOR Circle Logo
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