Frequently Asked Questions About Creekwood
Many people who visit a church for the first time have many questions.
The first thing to know is the church office hours. We hold office hours, Monday – Thursday from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm. We’re also there each Sunday from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm. If there are changes to that schedule, you can usually find them advertised. Please visit the Contact Page for more information.
Although this is not an exhaustive list of answers, it includes some of the more popular questions that arise.
Please take a moment and investigate any area you need to know more about.
When you arrive at the church, there is a Welcome Center located just to the left of the Sanctuary doors where you can find more detailed information.
If you have a question that is not listed here, please reach out to the church office. They will be able to help you find your answers.
How can I find out about Baptism?
Baptism is one of the two Sacraments recognized by the United Methodist Church.
We practice infant Baptism as well as youth, and adult Baptism.
We believe that Baptism is something performed by God as a way of welcoming someone into the Body of Christ.
We believe in one Baptism and recognize Baptism from any denomination. If you have already been Baptized, we simply welcome you into our congregation through a Profession of Faith.
To arrange for a Baptism, contact the Pastor David to make arrangements.
How do I join Creekwood United Methodist Church?
If you belong to another United Methodist Church:
Following Brunch with the Pastors, if you decide to join Creekwood UMC, just let us know and we will write the United Methodist Church holding your membership and request a transfer for you.
If you belong to another denomination:
Following Brunch with the Pastors and your decision to unite with the United Methodist Church and join Creekwood UMC, we will write the church holding your membership and request a transfer. The United Methodist Church honors baptisms from other Christian denominations, so you will not be baptized again.
If you are not a member of any church and you have been baptized:
You may join by the “profession of faith.” You will be invited to take the vows of church membership when you attend the New Member Classes.
The vows for membership include an affirmation that you will support the church with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
If you have never been baptized:
You may be baptized during a morning worship service. Once baptized, you will then take the vows of church membership, joining the church by the “profession of faith.”
What Sacraments are recognized in the United Methodist Church?
The United Methodist Church recognizes two Holy Sacraments. The Sacraments are an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.
Baptism – Baptisms can be performed for infants, youth, and adults. We believe there is only one Baptism. If you have been baptized at any other location, we simply welcome you into our church as a member through a profession of faith.
Holy Communion – This is also known as The Last Supper or The Lord’s Supper. It is in remembrance of the final Passover meal that Jesus had with His Disciples. Holy Communion is done at both the Traditional and Contemporary worship services on the first Monday of each month and on other special occasions.
For other questions about Sacraments, reach out to one of our Pastors.
What is the United Methodist Church?
Although you can ask one of our Pastors and staff about the United Methodist Church, we are providing a link to The United Methodist Church for you to explore on your own first.
You can also find out more about Creekwood’s place in the North Texas Conference.
What about Kids and Youth Programs?
We offer a number of programs and activities for youth of all ages (Nursery – 12th grade)
All of these programs can be found by visiting the Family Ministry section of our website. You can find that under “Ministries” from the top menu of the website.
What about adult programs?
We offer adult small groups and bible studies on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.
To find out more, visit the Adult Ministries section. You can find the link under the Ministries area of the top menu for the website.
Can I take Communion?
United Methodist theology believes in an open table.
The open table means that anyone who loves Jesus or has a desire to know Jesus is welcome to the table.
We believe that God will work with the consecrated elements with anyone who partakes.
For more questions about this Holy Mystery, contact one of our Pastors.
Do you serve wine during Communion?
The typical elements we use for Holy Communion are Kings Hawaiian bread and grape juice.
We also offer a gluten-free option for those who need it.
Can I get married at the church?
Services of Christian Marriage can be performed at Creekwood UMC. Creekwood is open to both members and non-members. Our sanctuary capacity is approximately 600.
A wedding in the Christian setting is a special event in that it is a service of worship. It is the desire of Creekwood United Methodist Church (CUMC) to make every wedding a beautiful, meaningful worship event for each couple who marries within our church.
Parties contemplating marriage should contact the church as early as possible to schedule a wedding. It is our preference that clergy of the United Methodist Church perform the ceremony; however, guest clergy may officiate or co-officiate with approval from the clergy staff of CUMC.
All couples who schedule weddings at CUMC must participate in at least three (3) pre-marital counseling sessions with a CUMC pastor.
Contact one of our Pastors to arrange for pre-marital counseling.
Contact Rusty Nickols for fees related to weddings.
Can I arrange for a funeral at the church?
Funerals are a somber and emotional time for families.
We’d like to make the process of saying goodbye to a loved one as painless as possible.
Contact one of our pastors to make arrangements for a funeral.
There are certain fees associated with a funeral that you should be aware of. Contact Pastor David or Pastor Wendy to review those.
Is nursery care available?
Nursery care is available most Sundays from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm. When changes arise, updates are given out in advance thru News & Notes (Our weekly e-newsletter) and other ways.
You can always double-check before coming to the church by contacting Caitlin Maxwell, the Director of Pre-School Ministries.
So you know – children of any age are always welcome at the church. If you want your child with you during worship, by all means, bring them with you.
What should I wear?
Above all – be comfortable. This congregation has a wide variety of dresses. From dresses and suits to shorts and tank tops. We’ve even had some Hawaiian shirts on occasion.
Don’t forget – in December, we have one Sunday called Pajama Sunday. That’s right – many folks come in their pajamas.
Is the church handicap accessible?
The main church building is on one floor. We have ramps at multiple locations from the parking lot. The bathroom doors are wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs and there are handicapped stalls available.
The Preteen building also has ramped access. The Student Center has level access from the front of the building.
If you run into any issues while at the church, please reach out to anyone on staff to have it addressed.
Are there Bibles and hymnals available for use?
We have a cart that contains Bibles and hymnals for use during every worship service.
We also have the song lyrics and scripture verses on large screens if that is easier for you.
Why do you have a barn on the church property?
The barn is an original structure from when we first purchased the property. It has become a bit of an icon for the community.
There are occasions when we use the barn for worship. Typically, we will have a Live Nativity event there leading up to Christmas. We’ll also hold a few Barn worship services during that time of year.
How do I get connected to the Church?
During worship, there is an opportunity to register your attendance online. Simply provide relevant information in the registration and someone will reach out to contact you.
You can also sign-up for one of our newsletters which will keep you informed about opportunities to get involved.
You can always reach out to any member of the staff or one of the pastors to find out more.