Weekday Small Groups

What Is A Weekday Small Group?

We use the term, Weekday Small Group, instead of Adult Bible Study or Adult Classes because our groups are a lot more than a class.

These groups are focused on doing a deep dive into the information they cover.

These groups, along with Bible Study resources, and available clergy to help guide, can accomplish so many things.

Join one of the weekday small groups available here at Creekwood. Watch how your life changes for the better.

Adult Small Groups2

Faith Friends – Women’s Group

This group is open to women of all ages.

Meets Teusdays at 9:30 am

Room 110

Contact: Barrie Heres

Weekday Small Groups Faith Friends

Sisters By Grace

This group is open to women of all ages.

Meets Thursdays at 10:00 am.

Room 104

Contact: Jill Pendergast

Empty Nesters

The group is for people with grown children in later years of working.

Meets Thursdays at 3:00 pm.

Room 110

Contact: Michael Mints


Weekday Small Group Empty Nesters


For moms and women to find support in faith and fun together.

The group will not be a Bible study in the traditional sense. They will have topics of conversation, activities to do, and social outings.

Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month

Room 109

Contact: Jenn Jurek


Momtourage Logo

Soul Sisters

For women of all ages.

Meets on Wednesdays at 9:30 am

Student Center

Contact: Jen Waldrop

Soul Sisters text with star symbol

Art Group

All ages.

Meets on Tuesdays – 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

Room 110

Contact: Sheliah Lonian

Art Ministry Logo