
Music Ministry

Creekwood UMC includes a Traditional Choir, Pianist, Handbells, and Praise Team to help in our worship services.

We’re always looking for people who want to participate. Whether it’s singing, playing an instrument, or helping to lead special events, you are encouraged to find out more.


Creekwood Traditional Choir

Traditional Choir

The music program is committed to providing quality worship music for the Traditional 8:30 am service.

Membership is always open to singers wishing to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord” regardless of musical background. There is always room for more singers and the current members would welcome you with open arms.

We also feature soloists or quartets on many occasions.

Rehearsals are for one hour at 7:00 pm each Wednesday evening. Come and join us!

For more information, contact Dr. Michael Crawford at 214-728-9452 or

Handbell Choir

Handbell Choir

Creekwood Bells offers a unique form of musical worship and another opportunity for members of the Creekwood UMC congregation to share their musical talents.

This group practices on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. and performs periodically throughout the year during traditional worship.

For more information, email Phyllis Carlin or call 214-728-4018.

Creekwood UMC Praise Team

Praise Team

The Creekwood Praise Team leads worship with contemporary music to engage individuals so they may experience a personal encounter with Christ through corporate worship.

Do you have a heart for worship and a gift for vocal or instrumental music?

Contact John Hames for more information about becoming a member of the Creekwood Praise Team!

Youth Praise Team

Youth Praise Team

The Creekwood Youth Praise Team leads worship with contemporary music several times annually. They are an enthusiastic addition to the worship service. They are led by Cameron Herren of Herren Studios, teaching them about musical performance.

Do you have a heart for worship and a gift for vocal or instrumental music?

Contact Cameron Herren for more information about becoming a member of the Creekwood Youth Praise Team!