Worship Styles At Creekwood UMC
- 8:30 a.m. – Traditional Worship
- 9:45 a.m. – Small Groups for All Ages
- 11:00 a.m. – Contemporary Worship
Get support and find new friends by participating in a small group!

Traditional Worship 8:30 am
In traditional worship, we aim to inspire, educate, and unite in God’s love through a worship style that has been vital for centuries. We join together in a common liturgy, and our choir leads us in congregational singing of hymns and spirituals.
Periodically throughout the year, the Handbell Choir shares their gifts during worship.
The message seeks to invite us into the story of God that is the foundation of who we are, and we share that love in a comfortable and lively worship setting.
We celebrate Holy Communion together on the first Sunday of each month, and on special occasions.
There is a children’s time during each worship service specifically designed for kids. We also encourage active participation in worship from every family member.
Contemporary Worship 11 am
The contemporary worship experience is more relaxed however, we aim to inspire, educate, and unite in God’s love. Our goal is to inspire and educate through music led by the Creekwood Praise Team that mixes modern worship songs of today with updated versions of worship classics, and through a message that’s geared towards inviting you into God’s story.
Periodically throughout the year, the Youth Praise Team shares their gifts of music with the congregation.
We celebrate grace and life together through Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month and on special occasions.
Children are encouraged to be a part of every worship service. They also participate through their work in choirs, bells, and chimes.
We invite you to come as you are and connect to God and the people who love you.
Online Worship
We offer live, online streaming of:
- Traditional Worship at 8:30 a.m.
- Contemporary Worship at 11:00 a.m.
Live-Stream is done on Facebook Live.
Additionally, we post the scripture and sermon from one of the services on YouTube each week.
We also post a podcast version on Apple, Spotify, and other locations where you get podcasts.
You may also find a quote, question, or other post about the sermon on one of our social media channels.
We can stream special events including weddings and funerals if desired. They are unlisted on YouTube so they are viewed by invitation only.
Contact the church office for any questions about these options.
Please consider participating in worship. Contact Pastor David for more details.

Are you interested in helping with the worship service behind the scenes? There are many opportunities, from Audio Visual, Photography, Greeters, Ushers, Welcome Desk and others.
Contact Pastor David for details and he can point you to the right person for your talents.
Are you interested in helping with worship but maybe you don’t want to be in front of the crowds?
The AV Squad is a group of individuals who help with camera operations, audio-visual items like presenting the information on the screens, live-stream operations, and soundboard operations.
If you’re interested in any of these opportunities, contact John Hames.

Hearing Impaired
For those with hearing issues, we offer headsets to help. Hearing packs are located near the cameras in the back of the Sanctuary. Please check with one of the AV technicians if you need new batteries.