What is Discipleship?
Being a disciple of Jesus is a life-long journey. At Creekwood we think of the discipleship journey in 2 phases: “Growing Deep Roots” and “Sharing God’s Love.”
“Growing Deep Roots” is a time to grow closer and more invested in the vine of God’s love and to experience the joy of Christ in a personal way.
“Sharing God’s Love” recognizes that God’s Holy Spirit works within and through us, calling us to reach beyond our comfort zone and bless others.
Each person’s discipleship journey is typically not a linear path.
At Creekwood, we’ve developed some key spiritual milestones to consider as we take our next step in faith.
The first step of any journey is simply saying “yes.” This could be a “yes” to Christ or visiting a church with a friend, or it could be a “yes” to try out a ministry opportunity you’ve been nervous to be a part of. Every disciple has to say “yes” at some point.
After we have said “yes” to an invitation, we have to be open to explore the possibilities. At Creekwood, we value those who ask questions, desire to learn, and aren’t satisfied with simple answers. We also value those who don’t rush to snap judgments and allow themselves time to truly experience what they have said “yes” to. As you move from Invitation to Exploring, commit to an opportunity for a minimum of 3 encounters, with 6 being a better goal. Allow yourself permission to not know everything, to learn something new, and to learn about those whom you are doing ministry with. Through an open heart and an open mind, God can do powerful things in your life.
The more we explore and learn, the more we often grow in Compassion because we are open to experiences of God beyond our own selves. As you experience God through other people, hear their stories of faith and how the Bible speaks to them, a disciple should at least grow in grace for those who are different than them. As grace grows, a disciple should grow in mercy towards those who are hurting and struggling, and at our fullest extent of following Christ, we should recognize moments where our human preferences limit the fullest glory of God’s justice.
Compassion leads to Generosity. The more that we Explore and grow in Compassion towards the needs of our family, friends, communities, and world, the more driven we will be to freely and willingly give our time and resources to improve the lives of those around us. Generosity is what Jesus exhibits on the cross as he freely and willingly gave his life for ours and is the highest ideal of the Christian life. To share one’s time, money, talents, and intelligence for the good of others is what God desired as the defining characteristic of Israel and the church in Acts.