Check the Events Page for things happening with the Care Team.

Care Ministry
The Care Team is a network of volunteers from our congregation who work with the pastors to meet the needs of individuals and families in our faith community.
Through this Care Team Ministry, we:
- arrange visits for people who are isolated, or recovering from illness.
- arrange meals for those in need of them.
- pray and offer keep-in-touch communications through cards, emails, and phone calls.
- remember and care for those who are grieving.
- extend the hand of Christ to all those who need a little extra support and care.
This team meets the second Thursday at 1:00 pm every month except July.
This group of Creekwood volunteers quilt lap size quilts, that the Pastors and Care team, then pray over and give to families, individuals who need extra prayers and care.
The Prayer quilt reminds them that they are covered in prayers by their Creekwood family.
If you would like to join the prayer Quilt team in making Prayer Quilts, please contact Sandra Genovese.
If you have questions or if you need a prayer quilt, reach out to Rev. Wendy McConney.
Brother’s Keeper
Creekwood UMC Congregational Care Emergency Fund
Brother’s Keeper is a fund designated to assist those in our congregation with extraordinary financial needs and to offer emergency support. While Creekwood members are generous when giving to outreach and missions around the world, the Brother’s Keeper Fund is an opportunity for us to support those in our church family. Contact Pastor David for these needs.
Care Team
This team of individuals is committed to caring for our congregation and the community.
If you are interested in making meals, helping with rides, sending cards, or any other gifts, serving on this team is for you!
Contact Rev. Wendy McConney to get involved.
Grief Team
We are constantly looking for ways to make sure people know they are not alone. In response to so many of our congregants walking through the recent death of a loved one, we are forming a Grief Group. This group will be a space to share whatever emotions or feelings might be hitting you that week — the good, the bad, and everything in between. The group will be led by others who have experienced loss.
This group meets every Thursday at 4:00 pm in Room 109.
Anyone who has lost a loved one and is grieving is welcome.
For more information, Contact Rev. Wendy McConney.
Sometimes, our members go through some difficult times in their lives.
The Care Ministry will help arrange meals for them during those times.
If you are in need of this type of assistance or if you are interested in helping provide meals when needed, contact Rev. Wendy McConney.
Nursing Homes
Like it or not, we’re all aging and at some point, might need some assistance with our daily needs. Here is a resource to find out about Nursing Homes in Texas.
For more information, Contact Rev. Wendy McConney.
Outreach Counseling
Free Telehealth Counseling Services For Adults
Provided by licensed psychologists
- John A. Jacobs, Ph.D.
- James P. Cannici, Ph.D.
- Michelle H. Macera, Ph.D.
- For more information
To Request An Appointment
972 886-0046
Sunday Ride Share
We’re looking to start a new ministry where we assist those who can’t drive, to get to church on Sundays.
If you’re interested in helping with this new ministry, contact Rev. Wendy McConney.