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Being In Heaven
For those new to Creekwood, each Advent we invite a mixture of staff and laity of all ages to bless us with their devotional thoughts to a specific question. You’ll notice we are starting at “Day 2” because Day 1 was Sunday, and the message can be experienced in worship (in person and online). I hope these devotionals bless you each day, and help you envision the presence of Christ fully into your life.
The question this year:
“What do you think of when you hear the expression ‘Kingdom of God'”
What do you think the kingdom of God will look like?
Beautiful with pearls. I think it will shimmer. I think Jesus will make rain and the angels will make thunder.
What do you think the Kingdom of God will feel like?
It will feel like we are on the ground.
Do you think it will make you feel happy or sad?
Happy and a little bit scared. I am going to be excited to see Jesus and I’m nervous because I’m going to be a little bit scared.
What do you think Jesus will be like?
Nice and friendly.
Do you think you will see anyone else when you enter the kingdom of God?
Meme, Papa, and God.
Morgan Carver, age 5