Advent Devotional: Jared
December 4, 2024 David Lessner

Advent Devotional: Jared

Posted in Deep Thoughts

Advent Devotional: Jared

Advent/Christmas Resources - The Presbyterian Church in Canada


This Advent we are asking people to respond to one or both of these questions:

“When or where have you felt the presence of God most closely?”

“Who has shown you that God is near to you?”

This is what Jared Glaze, had to say:

“I will be honest, I have always struggled feeling the presence of God. I tend to feel like I don’t deserve His attention because I feel that there are so many others who need it. For instance, when I pray, I tend to pray for others more than myself. This is for the same reason. There are others who need His blessings more than I. I know this is not how He works but it seems to be the way I think.

However, I felt closer to Him the moment I became a father. I finally understood what unconditional love meant. There is nothing they could do to change that instinctual connection. My son gave me a chance to continually want to improve myself so that I can give him everything he needs to be a great man one day. My daughter allowed me to open an emotional side of myself that I did not think I had.

Everyone always tries to tell you that when you are a parent, you will understand. Which is correct. Until I held both of them, it was only something my mind could only attempt to construct. So the way I feel for them gives me this deeper connection to God because now I can at least understand a fraction of His love.”