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The Theology of Pumpkins
(and 2 opportunities for you to consider)

The Pumpkin Patch at Creekwood UMC
“I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.”
-John 15:5 NRSV
I think it was in 2016, that I started dreaming out loud about how awesome it would be to have a pumpkin launcher during the Fall Festival. Reading this, you might think “how immature and dumb?” but one soon-to-be Eagle Scout didn’t think so. For 2017, Johnny Dorlon built not one, but three pumpkin launchers of various launching strengths and we charged a fee to be able to launch a pumpkin into the pond.
It was pretty awesome. You can see a picture of it still when you enter in through the south doorway.
However, that awesomeness came with a surprise. In 2018, we looked out at the pond and noticed a new vine system growing on the northeast corner, by the water. As we got closer, it was more involved and expansive than we’d first thought, and we realized, we were growing pumpkins.
Perhaps we should not have been surprised, as there were at least 30-40 pumpkins fired off in that general area, and pumpkins tend to multiply. It really was impressive, however, to see the vines stretching 10-20 feet in all directions, promising to produce new fruit, that might even expand the vine even further.
You’ve heard us use the imagery from John 15:5 a lot recently, and you’ll hear it a lot more still, because it is what Creekwood is meant to be. We are blessed to be vine in our community, a means of grace by which Jesus works through on a regular basis. But Jesus never wanted grace to stay here. Each individual, as part of the vine of Creekwood, is called to branch out 10-20 feet and plant new seeds wherever we find ourselves. That’s the theology that pumpkins do so well.
Two Opportunities to Be a Pumpkin
Help out in the Pumpkin Patch
Yes, the pumpkin patch is a fundraiser that does well for our church, but it’s also a time to plant seeds and stretch the vines of our faith out to others, if only be welcoming people and helping them create memories. I once met a family at one of our Christmas Eve Barn Services that I had never seen before. They told me, “we didn’t really know where to go, but we remembered how nice the people in the pumpkin patch were. So we came here.”
Even beyond bringing people closer to the vine of Christ, you have no idea how much a positive experience with a stranger can lead others to brighten the day of those whom they meet after stopping by the pumpkin patch.
Help spread joy by signing up HERE.
Host a Trunk at Trunk or Treat

Donate Candy. Host a trunk.
It’s all fun and games, until someone feels the strong pull of someone who has just shown them love through an awesome halloween decoration.
Seriously, festivals like Trunk or Treat are great ways of branching out to share hospitality and welcome to those who are looking for community connection in a meaningful way. The more trunks we have, the more connections we can share.
Sign up your trunk to create a memorable experience!
David Lessner