Advent 2022: The Kingdom Of God Is Present
December 22, 2022 Creekwood United Methodist Church

Perceived Value - Deep Thoughts

Posted in Advent 2022, Deep Thoughts

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The Kingdom Is Everywhere

For those new to Creekwood, each Advent we invite a mixture of staff and laity of all ages to bless us with their devotional thoughts to a specific question. You’ll notice we are starting at “Day 2” because Day 1 was Sunday, and the message can be experienced in worship (in person and online). I hope these devotionals bless you each day, and help you envision the presence of Christ fully into your life.

The question this year:

“What do you think of when you hear the expression ‘Kingdom of God'”

King's crown with pine wreath around it

What can be said about the Kingdom of God that hasn’t been touched on by the wonderful devotions we have read all Advent? From children and teenagers to senior adults, we have heard from some of Creekwood’s finest on their thoughts about the Kingdom of God. If you have missed any of these devotions, I invite you to take some time over the next few days to go back and enjoy them!

I have spent most of this week not really preparing for Christmas, but instead, I’m working on all of our spring kick-off information for Family Ministries. This includes Sunday school learning objectives, scheduling, and planning what our kids and students are going to be learning next semester.

From January to May, our kids will talk about…

  • spiritual discipline
  • the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection
  • healthy relationships
  • peer pressure
  • Jesus’ teachings
  • identity
  • biblical prophets
  • big questions
  • transitions and changes
  • doubt

…and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Kingdom of God is present here at Creekwood this Advent, and I hope to see you here on Saturday to celebrate Jesus’ birth together. But make sure you don’t miss the ways we are going to see it in the new year. Come and be part of what our littlest disciples are learning about God and God’s love.

Keri Lynn Lucas

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Christmas Wreath with text for worship times
