Appreciating the Appetizers
December 4, 2024 David Lessner

Appreciating the Appetizers

Posted in Deep Thoughts

Appreciating the Appetizers

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

-1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 NRSV

Turkey-Veggie-Tray-4 image

As a kid I hated Thanksgiving dinner.

Hate may be a strong word, but an entire day down in San Antonio was spent making a meal I considered mediocre at best. Turkey was ok, but it’s not a hamburger. I liked green beans…but, it was still a vegetable. I’ve come to appreciate mashed potatoes, but at the time it was like eating non-sticky paste. Cranberry sauce, stuffing, and other traditional favorites? I still don’t like them.

If you’re wondering what I ate so as to not starve, the answer is rolls. A lot of rolls.

Actually, what I most waited for was dessert. Someone always made a chocolate pie that I just loved, and it was the one thing worth anticipating for Thanksgiving dinner!

Now, most of you are probably with me that dessert is the penultimate of any meal, including Thanksgiving, but is it the only good thing? What I’ve come to realize is that my childish notion that there is only one good part about a meal 70% of the world can only dream about is, well, childish.

Spiritual maturity is often a topic of Paul’s letters to the churches around the Mediterranean. In 1 Peter, Hebrews, and 1 Corinthians Paul uses a metaphor of “milk” and occasionally contrasts it with “meat,” in terms of growing up in our understanding of what kind of life satisfies. Those who are drinking milk are childish, pursuing things that will fade and decay, and always wanting more. They are never satisfied and thinking “there’s only one good thing coming!” Those who eat meat have grown in their understanding of God’s world to recognize the beauty and blessing in all things, even those times that might be harder to handle.

Imagine if we got around our Thanksgiving tables and refused to give thanks?

Imagine if we just sat and moped because we hadn’t gotten dessert yet?

Imagine if we went through all of life refusing to recognize the many blessings given to us, including who God made us to be, because we were so focused on what we don’t have yet?

Hopefully you can see, that while it’s great to dream big, it’s also necessary to pay attention to the goodness in the first bite.

I am thankful for each “bite” we’ve had over nearly 10 years together at Creekwood. What a joy to sing together, eat donuts in the lobby, dig deep into scripture, serve together on worksites and through donations, and realize that even the smallest act of kindness in our work place has ripple effects larger than we’ll ever imagine.

I’m giving thanks for you this week. Happy Thanksgiving!


David Lessner

PS – Don’t forget to make your year-end gifts to Creekwood. Help us to finish 2024 strong!



David Lessner

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