After moving to Fairview in 2001, I continued commuting to work at a medical office in Dallas and to my former church. Fast-forwarding after a few years of commuting, I felt that it was time to visit churches closer and started my search with one nearby. From the first moment with the people of Creekwood I felt totally “at home,” and that at-home-ness feeling has remained. Creekwood folks are friendly, inclusive, helpful, dedicated, and downright nice to be around! My decision at the time was that it would be great to come back to visit again, and again, and even again! So that is what I did!
Following the transfer of membership, there began a feeling of transformation by Christ through Creekwood. This was visible through many opportunities including worship, small groups, and volunteering. Then while feeling happy and involved, there came a call to join the Creekwood Staff coordinating mission projects which ranged from speeding up a lumber line for Habitat to joining hands with other churches in search of clean water for Cameroon! Those were definitely days of personal growth highly punctuated by prayers for CUMC’s continued growth of God’s Kingdom.
Let’s fast forward again to today, just beyond the close of 2021. Today I know that Creekwood and its many missions remain a priority. I have experienced Creekwood from different perspectives including visitors, volunteers, members of small groups, leadership teams, staff, and joyful participation in the choir. With each endeavor, the people of Creekwood always provide friendship, support, faith sharing, and lovingkindness. When it is time to budget, the answer is simple—God is first, and the first and the best thing we can do is to provide resources for Creekwood and its missions both through volunteering and giving. Pledging our first resources to Christ through Creekwood is a very tangible way to assure growing deeper roots, to spread God’s Word, and to reach others. Stop and take a few minutes to think about it—visualize each day as the continuing reality of. . .
Transformation by Christ through Creekwood in 2022.
Genny Straughan
I remember my first Sunday at Creekwood like it was yesterday, and it’s all thanks to Carey Pharr.
I had designed a sermon series entitled “First Impressions” to both speak to what I noticed about the strengths and opportunities of the church, as well as allow the congregation to get to know me a little better. Carey strode from the choir to the lectern to read John 2 in his most regal voice, and for whatever divine reason, when he came to verse 6, about the stone jars holding water used for the Jewish rites of purification – he said they were for the Irish rites of purification. I’m not sure what my original opening line was supposed to be, but I pivoted to highlight how half of the congregation might have been more satisfied if Jesus had served Guinness instead of Merlot.
I’ve been blessed to since perform Carey’s wedding to Susan, honored and humbled to preside at Susan’s daughter’s funeral, and enjoyed 7 years of ministry with people who couldn’t believe I said the word “Franzia” from the stage. But the theme of that first sermon was “The Best is Yet to Come.”
In January, we will be hearing and reading accounts of the great times of Creekwood past, as we look forward to Creekwood’s future. We will see how God served up some of the best in the past, but how we should never stop expecting to see blessings around the corner. We will also be sending out information and opportunities for you to estimate how much you will give financially to the ministries and mission of Creekwood, so that you might trust God and we might work for Christ together. I pray you will engage in worship, read The Deep Thoughts, and make sure to attend on February 6th when we will celebrate our 20th Birthday in both worship services and have a cool birthday party for all ages in between.
I hope you will share with me your favorite Creekwood memories, and by doing so, I hope you will see how God has let us taste and see that God is good through out fellowship and ministry together. And I hope by witnessing God’s faithful grace in your past, it’ll help us all to look forward to all that God will lead us to in the future.
David Lessner