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What Is Charge Conference
“…but all things should be done decently and in order.”
-1 Corinthians 14:40 NRSV
While I personally think John Wesley espoused some astute and poignant theology, it’s been said by many that Wesley’s best attribute wasn’t his theology, his authorship, his preaching, or his pastoral care. Wesley’s secret sauce to success was his organizational skill.
The earliest Methodist movement saw Wesley bring people into small groups of people called “classes,” which then occasionally met together in a “band.” Those groups were largely for spiritual accountability, encouragement, study, and prayer, but it was also a way to disseminate information quickly through a hierarchical communication structure when Methodists didn’t have ordained clergy to guide them.
Fast forward to the 1800’s when Methodism was sweeping across America, and the fact remains that ordained clergy are in short supply – often only showing up once a month on horseback to serve communion and do baptisms. This left much of the administration and leadership of the church up to the laity. They handled the financials, the upkeep, the membership roles, and the business stuff.
And…that’s still mostly true today.
Charge Conference is the annual meeting of the business of the church. We receive news and inspiration from the larger Annual Conference, we approve leadership rosters, we vote on clergy salaries, we approve budgets, we approve candidates for ministry, we revisit the membership roster, and more. It sounds a little mundane, but can you imagine the human body without a well planned skeleton to hold it up?
This year, we will also be celebrating the ministry of 2023 and have an inspiration time of reflection.
Why Should You Come?
3 Reasons:
Creekwood is YOUR church.
Well, it’s Christ’s church, but you are the ones who operate it as a mission in our community on Jesus’ behalf. You should come vote, have a say, and be an active member of the body of Christ. *Note, only full members can vote.
Be in the Know.
We often have people say “I had no idea…” about a range of things. Granted, we have a lot going on across many different age and ministry areas, but this is an opportunity to know what your church is up to and celebrate it!
It’s Always Good to Be Together.
Scripture tells us not to neglect to meet with one another, which we do every Sunday. But if there’s one thing I love about church it is gathering together with others who want to be joyful and supportive because of how God has first loved them.
We hope to see you on Sunday at 1pm in Room 110.
David Lessner