Time Together
November 15, 2023 Creekwood United Methodist Church

Perceived Value - Deep Thoughts

Posted in Deep Thoughts

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Time Together

“And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

-Hebrews 10:24-25 NRSV


If you’ve read this line from Hebrews, it was probably in regards to worship, small group, or some other form of church attendance. The whole passage it is a part of, however, isn’t about end of year attendance metrics. It’s about our shared response to the love Christ has given to us.

In other words, “What are we going to do with the time God has given us?”

Just yesterday, I heard the same phrase uttered in two very different ways. One woman came into the church and excitedly said, “I’ve got all 15 of my family coming to my house for Thanksgiving!” Another woman, earlier in the day, muttered, “I’ve got my whole family coming to MY house for Thanksgiving,” clearly unamused at the prospect.

Some”times” it’s hard to make time for each other. That can be because of hurt or grief, or it can because of busyness and exhaustion. I bet we can all relate to some gathering we were invited to or obligated towards in which we “just weren’t feeling it.” As the comedian John Mulaney puts it, “Cancelling plans is an addiction for adults. It feels so good to have an obligation suddenly disappear and, poof, a free night all to yourself!”

Hebrews thinks otherwise. Yes, a night alone is restorative, but is a life alone redemptive?

Pastor Wendy was reflecting in our staff meeting about “time” in lieu of the 4 funerals we will have done in a month after this coming Sunday, on top of supporting Creekwood members who have lost family members and friends in other cities and states, not to mention her personal journey with aging parents. She made the salient point that no one who speaks at a funeral ever talks about the new car their loved one bought them, or any extravagant gift. When they are reflecting on the most precious gifts given to them by their deceased loved one it is always time. And, only occasionally, is it an extravagant time. Most of what we hear comes down to the every day, habitual patterns of life that the deceased chose to use for the blessing of another.

Time is the one resource we can’t buy more of. There are so many reasons we might not want to spend the time with someone this holiday season, but let me invite you to consider how valuable time can be.

Time can heal. Time can bond. Time can inspire.

“Don’t neglect to meet with each other.


David Lessner

P.S. – our magic number to end the year strong financially is down in two weeks from $320,000 to $260,929.14. Thank you for your end of year generosity and let’s finish strong!

Support Creekwood Financially

Mission Opportunities

There are 2 opportunities to bless others through November 19:

Thanksgiving theme

We are supporting the hourly (non-contract) employees at Harper Elementary School and the efforts of ACO with this food drive. Below is a list of desired items:

  • $25 Grocery Gift Cards for Frozen Turkey/Ham
  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Corn Meal/ Corn Muffin Mix
  • Instant Mashed Potatoes
  • Stuffing Mix
  • Canned Gravy or Gravy Packets
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Canned Fruit
  • Canned Pie Filling (Pumpkin & Others)
  • Pie Crust Mix
  • Canned Evaporated Milk
  • Jell-O and Pudding Mixes
  • Canned Yams/Sweet Potatoes
  • French Fried Onions
  • Cream Mushroom Soup
  • Canned Corn
  • Canned Green Beans

Clothing drive

One of our seniors asked us to help participate in her senior project at Lovejoy High School, and it fit along with our current mission work well. Luka Dueck’s project is to organize and deliver basic necessities to the homeless in Dallas and surrounding counties. Items requested are:

  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Socks
  • Shoes
  • Blankets

Other Opportunities

Blue Christmas theme with blue background and light blue graphics

And, if you know someone struggling this holiday season, invite them to…

Carter BloodCare Drive

To literally save a life, go ahead and sign up for our quarterly blood drive.

cookies with someone decorating

And maybe you’d like to serve in a way that welcomes people through the doors? Sign up to help at our Live Nativity, December 6 and 7 from 6-8pm.

Christmas Tree with beige background and text overlay

And looking to spread more holiday cheer? Come help us with crafts, cookies, letters to Santa, games, and more at the Fairview Christmas Tree Lighting.

Contact Julie Stelly if you’d like to volunteer.