The Great ComMISSION
June 28, 2023 Creekwood United Methodist Church

Perceived Value - Deep Thoughts

Posted in Deep Thoughts

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” Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

-Matthew 28:19-20 NRSV

Youth on mission 1

Youth on mission 2

Commission (n) – com·​mis·​sion

  1. a formal written warrant granting the power to perform various acts or duties.
  2. an authorization or command to act in a prescribed manner or to perform prescribed acts.
  3. authority to act for, on behalf of, or in place of another.
  4. a group of persons directed to perform some duty.

No matter which definition you choose, our Creekwood Students and the adults accompanying them are part of the work Jesus set us to do. We are so proud of them for following the nudging on their hearts to give up their free time and serve others in the name of Jesus. Some would even say they’ve lived into Jesus’ command quite literally by going into the entirely different nation that is Louisiana.

(just kidding)

Per the sermon on Sunday, taking God’s love actively out in the world through word and deed is something we all know we should do – but can take for granted. We might think we are too busy, think we don’t have the ability or think we don’t have the resources to help, but I can assure you that the disciples Jesus commissioned weren’t ready for what they were tasked with either. My assumption is that most of the students on the mission trip haven’t been a part of most of the work assignments they’ve been given this week. Sometimes, if we’re honest, it’s just because we’re a little lazy.

Don’t get me wrong, self-care is important. Jesus emphasizes prayer and Sabbath. However, Jesus also breaks the rules of the Sabbath to feed his hungry disciples.

We are part of a larger mission, a larger commission. Once we declare the name Christian upon ourselves, we no longer exist just for ourselves. We have a mission to carry out, and it’s not waiting on anyone except for you to get started.

Commission (n) – com·​mis·​sion

6 – a fee paid to an agent or employee for transacting a piece of business or performing a service.

But don’t think the mission is without a commission. From Matthew to James to Revelation we are reminded that our good works are a part of our faith, and we will be rewarded for those good works that demonstrate our faith in Jesus and his teachings.

I would argue that the real commission we get for helping the mission come along is more instant than that, however. I expect every student and adult to come home both exhausted and invigorated. They will have given the love of Christ and felt it in return.

Being a part of a mission does that to you.

  • It gives you direction.
  • It gives you focus.
  • If gives you a commission.

I’d love for you to find your way to serve in and outside of Creekwood. Here’s a few needs we have, and a few easy ways to say “Lord, use me.”


  • Play/Sing in the Praise Band

*Backup vocalists, bass guitar players, and instrumental substitutes needed

*Audition process

(Fill out the Application)

(Contact John Tomlinson)

  • Play/Sing in the Student Praise Band

Rehearsals are Sundays from 12-12:30pm after Worship

(Contact Cameron Heron)

  • Teach Children’s Sunday School

*Background check and Ministry Safe required

(Contact Pastor Keri Lynn Lucas)

  • Serve Meals at the Samaritan Inn

(Contact Sue Jarvis)

  • Give School Supplies to the Samaritan Inn and Harper Elementary

(Check out the Amazon Wish List)

  • Help Out at Harper Elementary

Options range from reading to children to helping in the library to passing out snacks to teachers

*Background check and Ministry Safe required

(Contact Lynn Partain)

  • Help out with Open Door

Options range from security to table host to administrative to DJ/media

*Background check and Ministry Safe required

*Starts back in August

(Contact Christie Hermann)

Easy Ways to Start

  • Be a Greeter on Sunday mornings

(Contact Tonya Vining)

  • Be an Usher on Sunday mornings

(Traditional – contact Marilyn Wallis)

(Contemporary – contact Mike Mints)

  • Serve Communion

(Traditional – contact Peggy Stapp)

(Contemporary – contact Jim Branson)

  • Join the Media Team for Sunday mornings or Special Occasions

Live Stream, Sound Board, Advance Worship Slides

(Contact Patrick O’Connor)

  • -Sing in the Choir or an Ensemble

Rehearsals are Wednesday at 7pm

*Not rehearsing in July

(Contact Mike Crawford)


David Lessner


Text on grey pattern

To give some of our musicians a break and give everyone a chance to experience something or someone new, we are only going to experiment with only having 1 worship time in July at 11 am.

We WILL still have Sunday school for all ages at 9:45 am.

The style of worship will alternate.

  • July 2 – Traditional
  • July 9 – Contemporary
  • July 16 – Traditional
  • July 23 – Contemporary
  • July 30 – Student Praise Band

I encourage you to come every week and experience the joy of music you may not be used to and meet someone that worships during a different hour normally. Stay tuned to the Weekly Newsletter, Facebook/Instagram, and Deep Thoughts e-mails for special opportunities for further fellowship and mission during July.

We will resume our normal worship schedule in August.


David Lessner
