What’s Happening In The UMC?
October 19, 2022 Creekwood United Methodist Church

Perceived Value - Deep Thoughts

Posted in Deep Thoughts

I’m coming to you by video this week to introduce and invite you to our discussion on one of the current events happening in the life of The United Methodist Church.  Please take a listen, and then join us on October 23 at 4pm for an informational session and chance to ask questions.  If you have questions that you would rather not ask in public, please e-mail them to me and we will make sure to address them on October 23.  We will not be streaming this event, but will be recording it in case parts are helpful in the future.

Here are some other resources to check out:

Videos by Adam Hamilton

North Texas Conference Resources and Letters

An Update from our Bishop


David Lessner

PS – Read the PDF Version instead.

Give to the Ministries of Creekwood UMC

Volunteer at the Pumpkin Patch

Host a Trunk for Trunk or Treat



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