It’s Working
July 19, 2023 Creekwood United Methodist Church

Perceived Value - Deep Thoughts

Posted in Deep Thoughts

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“Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.”
-Proverbs 22:6 NRSV“The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.”

-Isaiah 11:6 NRSV

I’m typing to you late at night after our first full day of camp at Camp Bridgeport. Part of me thought, “Just skip writing, no one will notice if we don’t have a ‘Deep Thoughts’ just this once.” But I’m staying up late after a full day of 108-degree heat because I really want you to know:

It’s Working

What I’m referring to is our family ministry programs. Let me walk you through a few recent moments.

#1 – May 21 – The 3rd Grade Sunday school class defeats the pastors in Bible Trivia.

kids and adults making funny faces

After the awesome experience of receiving their very own 3rd grade Bible, the 3rd graders have been doing a year-long deep dive about the Bible and through the Bible. To brag on Pastor Keri Lynn a little, I would guarantee that our 3rd grade class knows more facts and knowledge about the Bible than any junior high kid in my cabin this week. It was a close contest, and there were a few bonus questions given to the 3rd graders, but ultimately they beat the pastors fair and square because…it’s working.

#2 – June 7 -The Wednesday of VBS finds Kelly Grace Burkhart in absolute admiration of Megan Dalluge during music class.

two children talking

Megan’s not the only student who gained admiration from the young kids during and after VBS. Our students worked so hard and had so much grace for their younger siblings in Christ, that the kids still find them in the hallways on Sunday mornings. Our children have role models and our students have learned the responsibility of being a role model, because…it’s working.

#3 – June 18 – Dana Colston joined the church as a full member as an upcoming high school junior.

student joining as a church member

Not many high schoolers join the church all on their own. Most of the time they hover around student ministry, but not this time. Dana was invited by her friend Marissa, and met some meaningful adults and other supportive students, who invited her to worship as well. She learned the value of becoming part of something bigger and how supportive, graceful, and loving church could be. But, I need to correct myself. Dana didn’t join all by herself. Dana was surrounded by the supportive presence of the some of our students and small group leaders, because…it’s working.

#4 – June 27 – Ava Loter is baptized on the mission trip.

baptism at a lake

Ava is another upcoming high school junior who has jumped in literally “headfirst” after finding our student ministry and church to be a welcoming, inspiring group of Christ-followers. She started a conversation with Keri Lynn about what it means to be a part of the church, which led to a plan to get baptized on the mission trip in Louisiana. That led to Ava giving her life to Christ and joining in the family of faith in Lake Ponchatran, because…it’s working.

#5 – July 19 – Creekwood Students take leadership roles at Camp Bridgeport.

youth leading worsihp

Chase Reagan is serving as a Junior Counselor, which means he takes an active role in setting a good example, leading prayers, and helping in his “family group.” Chyler Lessner helped lead worship through singing and serving communion. Bot of these students, and the others who are here, have seen this modeled, but more importantly, have been invited to lead or seen students lead at Creekwood. The intentionality of giving young people responsibility and a voice has helped craft young leaders for decades now at Creekwood, and I’m excited to watch it play out at camp AWAY from Creekwood, because…it’s working.

But we need you to keep it working.

We need you to help coordinate meals for Wednesday nights or donate a meal or money to feed the students.

We need you to be a role model for our kids on Sunday mornings in their Sunday school classes, where you can learn the Bible right alongside them.

We need you to say that things like VBS, mission trips, and camps are a priority experience for our students, carve out that space in their schedules, AND accompany them as chaperones and co-laborers.

And let me be very honest, we need you to give financially as an investment. As much as it would be nice to assume all these great moments were simply miraculous works by the Spirit, they are all part of God’s plan and our planning to create a culture of discipleship amongst our kids and students. Any plan requires resources to carry out. Besides the time I just asked for, it means money – and an amount that connotes investment and not tipping.

We still plan to bring on a youth minister when it is financially feasible to do so, because we need that position to build upon the foundation of the plan. We want to plan to give our kids and student ministries every resource imaginable to cultivate the environment of excitement and grace the students and kids in our community crave.

But we need you to give, because… it’s working.

God is doing a mighty thing through Creekwood Family Ministries, and I want to invite you to jump on board. Consider how you’re going to invest so that these stories continue to flow, and God continues to be known by our young people more and more.


David Lessner

Text on grey pattern

To give some of our musicians a break and give everyone a chance to experience something or someone new, we are only going to experiment with only having 1 worship time in July at 11 am.

We WILL still have Sunday school for all ages at 9:45 am.

The style of worship will alternate.

  • July 23 – Contemporary
  • July 30 – Student Praise Band

I encourage you to come every week and experience the joy of music you may not be used to and meet someone that worships during a different hour normally. Stay tuned to the Weekly Newsletter, Facebook/Instagram, and Deep Thoughts e-mails for special opportunities for further fellowship and mission during July.

We will resume our normal worship schedule in August.


David Lessner
