I Confess! I Confess!
November 16, 2022 Creekwood United Methodist Church

Perceived Value - Deep Thoughts

Posted in Deep Thoughts

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…I listened to Christmas music already.

Santa Claus cartoon

I know some of you will think that is perfectly normal because you go to Hobby Lobby to get your tree in June, but I have clearly registered my disgust and disbelief at how early businesses and private homes are throwing up Christmas lights in November (some in October!).

I credit some marketing department analysis somewhere that figured out people will spend more money just because “it’s Christmas,” or you can roll out limited, special menu items because “it’s Christmas.” But I was standing firm in my belief we should celebrate Thanksgiving and let Christmas continue to be a special blitz of good tidings that starts AFTER Thanksgiving.

And then this weekend happened. To be fair, this weekend was pretty great overall. My kids were part of a great production of “Shrek Jr.” at NTPA Fairview, we bought a new (to us) car, and the confirmation retreat was a really special time.

kids eating around a table

But it’s also been a year that has seemed non-stop full of problems and tension. And at the Lessner house, it seems like EVERYTHING is breaking.

So it was this Friday, amidst a chaotic period of ministry and life, that I was driving our minivan up to the confirmation retreat when the transmission just decided to stop working. From Hwy. 75 to Creekwood, I had the pleasure of driving in 1st gear at 15 mph while the good citizens of Fairview zoomed past me.

That’s when I couldn’t resist anymore.

I turned on 102.1 and providentially my favorite Christmas song, Carol of the Bells” by Mannheim Steamroller, was just starting and I reveled in the spirit of Christmas entirely too early – but also just at the right time.

After that, I kept thinking about a few parts of the Prologue to John’s Gospel, the first chapter:

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”

John 1:5

“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.”

John 1:9

In that moment of despair, I just needed the good news of God incarnate in the world. I just needed to know that Christ was with me, and it would all be okay.

I confess to turning on Christmas music since that moment, but it’s because I confess that I believe Jesus is the light of the world come to us through the Virgin Mary at Christmas. Jesus is just the presence that the world needs – so maybe it’s not so bad that we bring Christmas early…or any time.

Turns out, Christmas is going to help me celebrate Thanksgiving even more so. I have so much to be thankful for.


David Lessner

PS – Don’t forget to sign up below to help out with Advent! And keep scrolling for all of our Advent celebrations.

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AND – don’t forget about the Advent Attendance Challenge! I’d like every single person to make it a priority to attend worship every single week of Advent, which starts November 27 and runs through Christmas Eve. Let’s keep the momentum, meaning, and energy going!


David Lessner

Actors in costume around a manger for Christmas

several scenes with people wearing pajamas in church

Child with candle at night

Gradient Text Gold to Maroon on a Maroon background

Christmas Wreath with text for worship times
