“Joy” or “Little Drummer Boy,” both by the band For King and Country, are my favorite Christmas songs. For King and Country is one of my favorite bands, and I got to go to their show with my Fellowship of Christian Athletes group a few weeks ago!
“Joy” is one of my all-time favorite songs because it demonstrates Christ’s goodness and how he will never abandon us, as well as the small promises he gives to us through his people and the world. It also signifies, as the verses Psalm 139:12 and Titus 1:3 express, Christ’s light will guide us through the darkness no matter what; with a joy and a cheerful outlook.
For “Little Drummer Boy,” I love how they add unexpected twists to the song with God’s messages, such as how God’s guiding us through the plan he created for us, and how they keep such an upbeat tone that instantly boosts my mood whenever I hear it!
Mia Perrin (age 16)