Home for the Holidays: Preparing for Visitors
December 9, 2024 David Lessner

Home for the Holidays: Preparing for Visitors

Posted in Sermons

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Throughout the Bible, God’s promise has always been to draw us closer—to prepare a place for us. From Noah to Jeremiah, to Jesus’ words in John 14 about the many rooms prepared for us, God invites us to dwell with Him. Yet, when the time came for Jesus to enter the world, Mary and Joseph found no room at the inn.

As Christmas approaches, we celebrate the gift of God’s presence through Christ. But are we ready to receive Him? Or are our hearts too full, leaving no room for the One who came to dwell among us?

📖 Join us as we explore what it means to truly make space for Christ this Christmas season.

Originally broadcasted on December 1, 2024.
Today’s scripture comes from Jeremiah 32:37-41 and Luke 2:6-7.

Audio Version (tbd)