Sunday Small Groups

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Sunday Small Groups

Sundays – 9:45 a.m.

We use the term, Sunday Small Group, instead of Adult Sunday School because our groups are a lot more than a simple class.

These groups are in many ways, the life-blood of any church. Many would say this is where church happens. We believe that but we also believe it is so much more.

Joining a small group is becoming a part of…

  • a community of believers
  • a support group
  • a nurturing family
  • an accountability group

They’re groups of people with common interests. They work together to understand scripture, Jesus, and God to the best of their abilities.

These groups, along with Bible Study resources, and available clergy to help guide, can accomplish so many things.

Join one of the Sunday small groups available here at Creekwood. Watch how your life changes for the better.

Adult Small Groups2

Agape Small Group

This small group is for adults in all stages of life. We focus on studies using the Bible, and other resources to take a deep dive into scripture.

Meets in Room 102.

Contact: Lyndsey Lessner


agape Sunday Small Group

Faithworks Class Sunday Small Group

Faithworks Sunday Small Group includes adults with college-aged children and grown kids.

Meets in Room 103.

Contact: Lauralee Campbell

Sunday Small Group Faithworks

Celebration Small Group

Celebration Small Group includes adults 60+. Activities include in-depth Bible Studies, sing-a-longs, and social gatherings.

Meets in Room 110.

Contact: Frito Boyd

Celebration Sunday Small Group

The Nest Sunday Small Group

The Nest Group is for parents of young children. We’re trying to figure it out like everyone else. At least we’re doing it together with faith as our foundation.

Meets in Room 101.

Contact: Charlotte Smith

The Nest Sunday Small Group

Sojourners Small Group

The Sojourners is open to everyone, whether visiting, new, or current members at Creekwood.

The purpose of the class is to connect and grow deeper in faith with one another as we look at faith related to our wider world. To “sojourn” is to visit a particular place, or for this class, a particular topic, and explore how it relates to our lives.

Each week we’ll take a topic from a video lesson, i.e. TED Talks, YouTube clips, or other curricula – and discern how such topics (like relationships, being an introvert, shame, sports, and more) intersect with our wider culture, ourselves, and our faith.

Meets in Room 104.

Contact: Robert Dueck –

Sojourners Sunday Small Group

Creekwood Young Adults

Open to all those young adult-ish who want to develop meaningful relationships, have some fun, and explore what God has for them in life, and what they can give to God.

Meets in Room 109.

Contact: Hannah Heres

Creekwood Young Adults pastel letters in the background image

For more information about any of these groups, resources for studies, or anything about Adult Ministries, contact Pastor David.

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