Loaves & Fishes: Joining in Abundance
October 27, 2024 David Lessner

Loaves & Fishes: Joining in Abundance

Posted in Sermons

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After witnessing the incredible miracle of abundance in the feeding of the 5,000, the people still don’t fully understand—they try to force Jesus into being their earthly king. They miss the point that Jesus isn’t hoarding blessings but expanding the Kingdom and sharing its abundance with everyone. In Matthew 9:37, Jesus laments that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Why? Perhaps it’s because those who are blessed don’t see themselves as part of the work.

Are we too focused on “limitation,” believing that only a select few can participate in the Kingdom’s work? Jesus challenges this mindset in John 14:12-14, saying, “You will do greater things than I.”

This week, let’s explore how we can break out of this scarcity mindset and step into the abundance of blessings and opportunities that Jesus offers. How can we embrace our role as workers in this plentiful harvest, sharing the Kingdom’s gifts with the world?

Originally broadcasted on October 27, 2024.
Todays scripture comes from John 6:14-15.

Audio Version (tbd)