Jesus Pieces: A Thin Candy Shell
February 6, 2025 David Lessner

Jesus Pieces: A Thin Candy Shell

Posted in Sermons

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The main point of the chapter is at the end: God is there before, God is there now, and God is there in the futureWhen eating an M&M, Reece’s Pieces, or similar candy we often neglect how things would fall apart without the thin candy shell that holds everything else in (and keeps it from melting)Jesus’ vision of peace comes in knowing that God is always inviting us into God’s helping and guiding presence, and we’re always invited to lay our burdens down with God. On the outside a Reece’s Take 5, a Twix, a Snickers, or many other candy bars don’t look like much – just a brown blockBut take a bite and you’ll realize there is so much laying there beneath the surfaceIn the case of some candy, it blows away our taste buds and we can’t believe they can pack all of that flavor into one tiny packageThat’s the peace Jesus offers at the beginning of John 14, when he promises “many rooms.”  The concept of salvation has always been one with limitations for the “chosen,” but Jesus helps us imagine a world of abundant grace where there is room for everyoneWe’ll expound upon our core value of compassion, and how we ought to be the grace-filled space with room for everyone.


Originally broadcasted on January 5, 2025

Today’s scripture comes from John 14:25-29

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