Walking In The Footsteps Of Jesus
April 20, 2022 Creekwood United Methodist Church

Walking In The Footsteps Of Jesus

Posted in Deep Thoughts

CreekwoodUMC - Reaching Emmaus

Wasn’t Easter fantastic? If you were as inspired by our Holy Week worship opportunities as I was, I hope that you’ll continue to celebrate the resurrection with us each and every week.

This coming Sunday we’ll begin a new worship series entitled “Reaching Emmaus: The Journey to Peace and Purpose with Jesus.” We’ll thoroughly dive into the experience shared by Cleopas and his companion as they walk with Jesus towards fulfillment at the communion table in Emmaus.

While I heartily invite you to attend worship and small group each week to be inspired, I’d also like to invite you to an opportunity to physically walk near Emmaus. Creekwood will be hosting a pilgrimage to Israel leaving December 27 and arriving back stateside January 6. I was able to visit Israel when I was 12 years old and I remember the sights, sounds, and smells bringing the Bible to life for me. It was a fantastic spiritual and cultural experience, and since I’ve entered the ministry I’ve dreamt of leading a trip like this.

Our pilgrimage will include opportunities to visit and worship/pray at sites such as Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, The Western Wall of the Temple, and the Mount of Olives. We will also be able to stand in the footsteps of Moses as he caught a glimpse of the Promised Land from Mount Nabo and see where the Dead Sea Scrolls (the oldest fragments of scripture ever found) were located. We’ll journey to Jesus’ childhood hometown of Nazareth, and even take a detour at the end of the trip to see Petra, one of the most interesting wonders of the world. Travel will be by bus and quite comfortable.

We intentionally chose a time when college students, students, and children would be out of school, and they are more than welcome to come. Friends and family are also welcome as there is no limitation to the number of people we take, and travelers do not have to be members or associated with Creekwood.

I will be hosting an information session along with representatives from Educational Opportunities on Sunday, May 1 at 3:30pm during the Creekwood+ time. However, for more information you can CLICK HERE. To go ahead and register for the trip, CLICK HERE. If you have questions before then, or want to let me know you are interested, just respond to this e-mail.

I look forward to sharing the present experience of worship with you next Sunday, and this incredible opportunity to worship in the path of Christ with you in December.


David Lessner

CreekwoodUMC - Holy Land

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