Coming Soon!
Three exciting events are coming our way and it’s time to sign up!
Confirmation Sunday will be May 19. Sunday school will be held at 9:45am for all grade levels, but we will combine in worship at 11:00am to celebrate and affirm our confirmation students. Then, we will celebrate them with a BBQ Cook-Off!
There will be no 8:30 worship this day, so that we can celebrate together.
Sign up for your spot in the BBQ Cook-Off
This summer we’ll be learning what it means to trust God at Camp Firelight!
VBS is a fun way for kids K-5th to experience God’s love with games, snacks, music, a Bible adventure, science, and more.
None of this happens without student and adult volunteers. Students may be 6th grade and above. Adults can any age! Come help us give kids a fantastic and meaningful experience!
Have questions? Contact Caitlin Maxwell.
Outside of the weekly student ministry programming, there is perhaps no more transformational, community-building experience like a mission trip. This year the 6-12th graders will be going to Austin to participate in a variety of mission experiences as they help that community through home repair, feeding, and much more.
Register to Go on the Mission Trip
Adults, and volunteers are needed on the mission trip as well. You can use the same link to register or contact `x for questions.