Advent Devotional 15
…And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
I was in my mid–20s – when the cruel cycle of addiction began for my brother, just eleven months younger than me. The next 25 years rolled out the painful consequences for my brother and broke the hearts of my parents & our family.
There were years of estrangement from him, grief, failed attempts at recovery, and ugly consequences. Toward the end, he was homeless, almost completely blind, and badly weathered from this hard road in life. But with faith, we never gave up hope – but what we hoped for began to look different – a precious gift in itself.
Then, we received God’s greatest gift – reconciliation!
We were able to enjoy Jeff in his final seven years – his uncanny wit, his love for us, and his overwhelming gratitude for what seemed to us only tiny blessings. Plus, the gift and kindness of supportive friends with unconditional love was the icing on the cake. Along the way, we also gained invaluable lessons in humility, love, & gratefulness.
Life may not have gone just as I pictured, but I am certain God has worked abundantly through every straight & every jagged path.
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, 2 Thessalonians 2:16
Linda Pitts