
YouBelong Logo

Welcome to #YouBelong!

#YouBelong is a reminder. A reminder that you are a child of God, created in God’s image. In our lives, we experience many things. Some good. Some bad. But – if we can remember that we are anchored to God, then we can be assured that no matter what we go through in this life, we are heirs to eternal life in Jesus Christ.


#YouBelong was a semester-long theme beginning in August 2022 and going through December 2022. Everything we did during that time at Creekwood United Methodist Church is connected in some way to #YouBelong.

Whether you were:

  • joining us at worship or online
  • attending a Sunday school class or small group
  • participating in a Bible Study
  • or engaging on social media

you could expect to go through a journey of discovery.

From August to December of that year, we journeyed through a process that had four phases:

  • Anchored To God – understanding that #YouBelong to God and you are a child of God. An heir to the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Where do I fit in the church/God’s Community? – knowing where you fit in the church, whether it’s at Creekwood or the wider Christian community is important. We have some tools to help you figure out your spiritual gifts. There are also a variety of small groups with varying focus areas to assist you along your journey.
  • Where do you and the church fit in society? – How do we take what we know about Jesus into society? A society that seems to be less interested in knowing God every day. We’re in the world but not of the world. We belong to God.
  • Taking it to the streets – We need to walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to our faith. Applying what we know about Jesus to everything we do from home, family, friends, and even the workplace. We’re on a journey to equip ourselves to be in the world.

This journey of discovery continues. Growing a deeper understanding of our faith and where we are on our faith journey. Together, we can make a difference in our own lives and those around us.

We’ve provided a copy of “Anchored In God” for you to review and apply to your faith journey.

Please join us for worship and see how your faith journey fits into the life of the church.